Ohlone Cyber Defense Center
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Cyber Security Program
A cyber security certificate or degree is intended to equip you with the knowledge and skills to
defend computer operating systems, networks and data from cyber attacks. At Ohlone, we offer
various Associate in Science (A.S.) degree and Certificate Programs in Information
Technology related fields such as cyber security, network administration, system administration, Cisco Certified Network Associate and Microsoft Certified IT Professional.
We follow NSA CAE cyber defense program guidelines to develop our cybersecurity programs.
The following courses is part of CAE-CD Knowledge Units (KU):
CNET 146 – Linux System Administration *** CAE-CD KU course ***
CNET 155A – Introduction to Networks (CCNA1) *** CAE-CD KU course ***
CNET 162 – Windows Server Installation & Configuration Administration *** CAE-CD KU course ***
CNET 170 – Network Security (Security+) *** CAE-CD KU course ***
For questions about the Ohlone Cyber Defense Center or the Cyber Security program, contact Ron Sha, NSA CAE POC.